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Tabletop Chef!

One of our local restaurants was an interesting trip.

Once we eventually get past the whole... can I have a table scenario, we have to navigate the menus. Food had some pictures which is great, but the drinks menu looks like this:

So we order the only thing we know how to say. Bi-ru Kudsai

The tables had barbecue's in which was a lot of fun.

The waiter brought us a piece of raw meat, and some dips and used an app to talk to us which was sweet!

So we ordered and decided to try cooking the meat piece (They rushed over to turn it on when we couldn't figure it out!)

I think they were keeping an eye on us.. after we cooked this, our waiter rushed over saying no no no!

We figured out that they had only given us that bit as a demo and it wasn't for eating!

Then we google translated some of the menu, and worked out we had ordered beef tongue - not expected, but pretty tasty

And this pork with some kind of eggy rice was amazing! I even learn't a phrase for them. oy.shi kat.ta, That was delicious. It took three attempts, but once they got it, they seems super happy and bowed several times!

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