Kobo-san Market only happens once a month on the 21st, and is a massive maze of a variety of stalls within the grounds of.
The selection of good was pretty wide, and varied from car-boot style items and pricing, to established high-end products and mini shops
And we went on a bit of a foodie mission trying things:
There were not great - A red bean paste... tastes of, well, mushy bean paste.
But these were AMAZING.
Sweet potato-ish things, covered in sugar. They tasted like doughnut!
We tried these: Turns out they were salt and pepper chicken :)
Ryan tried the raw salmon... but it had been marinaded in something STRONG
We saw these, but certainly knew these ones were to be avoided this time! (Squid balls)
We didn't buy anything due to having to carry it back, but very tempting!