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Buffaloes VS Eagles

Ahhhh this was SO exciting.

I have never watched a baseball game in my life, but certainly worth the experience - especially in Japan where it is HUGE.

Certainly time for over-sized beer and foot-long+ hotdogs!

The players bow to each other at the start.

And then the game begins!

When it's your teams turn to bat, EVERYONE in the sections we were in, stands up to sing and do a set dance!

There is a new song/dance for each player and situation! So just as we got the hang of one, they switched it up! Everyone had props for different ones too - sometimes they all brought out the towels, sometimes the flags, and then at half time, just to confuse us, everyone started blowing up balloons!

They had a great tug of war at half time:

And we won the game! Amazing atmosphere, hope to go again!

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