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Awa Odori! Dancing the day away.

Awa Odori is a hidden delight of Japan!

Its the festival dancing tradition, and every August a huge festival is held in Tokushima City drawing thousands from across Japan for the fantastic party and street dancing parades.

Everyday dances are held, and often include travelling Awa Odori troops, as well as local dance groups.

We decided to check it out!

It was empty when we arrived, and we thought it may be just us as they run the performance four times a day. It did soon fill up a bit however so no private shows :)

The dancing took us through the ages of how Awa Odori dancing has changed to present day, story-teller style. The presenter spoke in Japanese and suddenly pointed at us... Everyone turned.. until someone asked us, where are you from? Oh the relief!

A quick video:

THEN we were all asked to join in, and taught the dancing. :D

This was great, until at the end then pointed for me to stay. Not knowing what on earth was going on, I was a little terrified that three of us may have to do something silly.

They presented a certificate to someone, and tied a bandanna around my head - I guess I won third prize? Ha! Amazing - but then I had to dance back to my seat... eeeek ha! At least they will never see me again :D

We popped by the museum afterwards which had lots of cool models of the old festivals set ups and the clothes, instruments etc used then (I assume a long time ago) and now.

Another Video which didn't turn to a smushy mess:

Much Love x

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