On our way back from the Cueva de la Pileta, we were saved from a hike by the lovely Jim and Jeanie.
A taxi was serving around the parking lot, and pulling away, before abruptly reversing back to greet us.
Having overheard that we had missed our train, we were saved the trek back from the mountain to Benaojan, and had a ride straight back to Ronda. Amazing!
Its always interesting to hear how people have lived! Jim was a Judge, and Janie a teacher in a college, both in California, the sunshine state.
Now retired, they spend a month of each year touring, and Janie does all the bookings. Ronda was on this year's list, onward to Jerez! The US elections and Brexit made for an interesting conversation - it seems our UK news of it all isn't far off public opinion.
What was more interesting was to learn about the book: A People's history of the United States by Howard Zinn. It looks pretty inspirational, and a totally different take on history (think slavery from the slaves point of view etc).
I found an online version to start reading: http://www.historyisaweapon.com/zinnapeopleshistory.html
Thanks so much Jim and Jeanie, for saving me from another hike, and for introducing me to new knowledge.
Much love all