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Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

Madrid part 2!

We had tried to go to the Bernabeu in the morning and quickly gave up - hundreds of people in a long line is enough to put anyone off!

We went back late afternoon because Ryan had spent days looking forward to going- not a soul to be seen! Perfecto!

The tour was great, full of 'techy stuff and facts stuff' to play with!

The obligatory photo to become part of Ronaldo's face is a must.

These were amazing - two walls are lined with them, and each has a different track playing, crowds cheering, commentary on certain games, anthems etc etc...

The old-school stuff was pretty interesting too.

The tour itself is self-paced so you kind of just walk around and follow the route. Even for a non-football person it was pretty cool.

The press room! I made Ryan line up with the kids and 'kidults' to get his photo :)

The pitch and the tunnel were probably the best parts to walk through, but my favourite ones were the trophies!

Much Love!


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