As Royalty Do in Venice :)
Train Trips to Venice Again! The four of us :) The trains are really regular, and really cheap - 3.40 euros each way, not bad when there...
Islands and Water Transport (otherwise known as boats)
So what better way to travel when there are no roads? The water bus! There are stations lined up along the canal, and you kind have to...
This. Is. Venice!
A crazy kind of Bank Holiday weekend in THE most beautiful place. These guys came to visit for long days of getting lost, Prosecco,...
Meeting Mantova!
Mantova / Mantua. So it was really about time we visited our nearest town instead of just cycling past it all of the time. It was a...
Moving on again... Treviso Town!
You might think that moving on all time would mean places lose their magic, and in some ways they do a little when they are similar, but...
Life in Rivalta
First Impressions A lovely journey - little trains through pretty countryside nearly the whole way. We had three to get, and not a hitch,...
Picking the perfect picnic spot...
Organizing a picnic. Rules to get it right: 1. No planning in advance goes down well - HA! 2. Ensure you have a super market en-route......